— RFID related functions¶
The rfid
module contains various RFID & NFC chips bindings to read and write RFID tags.
- rfid.TAG_MF1K¶
- rfid.TAG_MF4K¶
- rfid.TAG_UL¶
- rfid.TAG_UL_EV1_80¶
- rfid.TAG_UL_EV1_164¶
- rfid.TAG_NTAG213¶
- rfid.TAG_NTAG215¶
- rfid.TAG_NTAG216¶
Several card types, as returned by the mfrc522.info()
- rfid.G_18dB¶
- rfid.G_23dB¶
- rfid.G_33dB¶
- rfid.G_38dB¶
- rfid.G_43dB¶
- rfid.G_48dB¶
Antenna gain values (in dBm)
- rfid.EOK¶
Result code: all good
- rfid.EINVARG¶
Result code: one or more parameters are invalid
- rfid.EPAR¶
Result code: parity error
- rfid.ECRC¶
Result code: CRC error
- rfid.ECOLL¶
Result code: collision error
Result code: overflow error
- rfid.ETEAR¶
Result code: tear event occured
- rfid.ETEMP¶
Result code: chip overheated
- rfid.EWRITE¶
Result code: write error
- rfid.ETIMEOUT¶
Result code: operation timed out
- rfid.ENACK¶
Result code: operation not acknowledged, but should be
- rfid.EAUTH¶
Result code: authentication error
- rfid.ECOMM¶
Result code: generic communication error
- rfid.ENOMEM¶
Result code: the tag returned more data than was expected
- rfid.EINT¶
Result code: data flow integrity error