config – board configuration


A global instance of the Settings class is instantiated in this module. When used by the custom code, this instance must be used. Do not create additional instances - can lead to undefined behavior and/or broken settings.

Import board settings like this:

from config import settings


class config.Settings

This class, while not being a direct descendant of the dict class, provides an interface as close to one as possible:

Each board has a set of keys, no other keys should be added to the config. Each key has the following format: <category>-<i?>-<parameter>. The value can be a string or an integer. If the value is an integer, the category and the parameter are separated by the -i-. If the value is a string, parameter follows the category.

For example, sys-lang (i.e. the lang parameter in the sys category), is the key for the value of type string. net-i-dhcp (i.e. the dhcp parameter in the net category) is the key for the value of type int.

Boolean values are not supported. Instead, integer values (0 and 1) are used.


Returns the current value for the key. Raises a KeyError if the key is not found (NB: older implementations do not throw an exception, but return None)

__setitem__(key, value)

Calls set()


Return True if the board config has the key. No extra keys are allowed, the return value of this method for a given key is constant for the current version of the board firmware.


Removes the current value associated with the key. The key itself is not removed (the key set is constant). The value is effectively reset to the factory default.


Returns the string, containg the dict-like representation of the object (ref dump()).

get(key, default=None):

Return the value for key if key is in the board config, else default. If default is not given, it defaults to None, so that this method never raises a KeyError.

set(key, value):

Sets the value for the given key. The key must be valid (i.e. key in settings must be True). The code will try to convert the value to the type, required by the key.

No exception is raised, if something goes wrong, the new value is silently ignored.


If one or more values have been changed, the changes are committed to the underlying storage at an arbitrary moment. Call this method to force dumping all the changes (ex. before a system reset).

If grp is not None, only the values for the keys in the category grp will be saved.


Save the current configuration as a JSON file named output.


Restore the previously saved configuration (ref config.Settings.backup())


Returns the current configuration as a dict.

parse(cfg, grp=None)

For each key in the cfg dictionary, checks whether this key belongs to the board config, then checks if the key’s category equals grp (if grp is not None). If the key passes all checks, the corresponding value of the board config is updated.


Resets all values to the factory defaults (if group is not None, resets only the values for the keys in the group category)


Performs some checks and corrects the inappropriate values. If grp is not None, only the grp category is checked.