Shell emulation




Module version (currently 0.2)

Current Directory


Change directory:'nextdir')

Difference from unix-like systems: the root directory is the empty one (''), not the '/'. When changing directories, do not put the '/' prefix. I.e to change from the root directory to mydir, call'mydir').

Remove a file or a directory

sh.rm(file, force=False)
  • file - name of a file within the current directory (sh.pwd())
  • force - force recursive removal if file is a directory (be careful!)

Move a file, target)
  • src - name of a file within the current directory (sh.pwd())
  • target - new file name

Copy a file

sh.cp(src, target)
  • src - name of a file within the current directory (sh.pwd())
  • target - destination file name.

List directory contents'', attr=False, ext=None)
  • src - the name of a subdirectory of the current directory. Leave empty to list the contents of the current directory
  • attr - if true, print extended information about each item listed
  • ext- optional filter for file extensions. Pass extension only, without preceding dot

Make directory


Create a new directory named name inside the current directory, lines=0)
  • name - file name
  • lines - if non-zero: prepend each line printed with its number, starting from lines (usually you'd want to pass 1 here)

Write to file

sh.echo(name, data, append=False)

(since version 0.2)

Write data to a file name. If append is true, the data is appended to the existing file data. If not, any existing data is silently overwritten.

Search in file

sh.grep(name, line=0, regex=None)
  • name - file name
  • line - if non-zero, print the corresponding line in file (line count stats from 1)
  • regex- if line==0, print lines containing the specified regular expression

If line==0 and regex is None, prints the whole file

Edit a file


Open a Vim-like editor


Opens filename for writing and writes all the data, coming from the USB VCP to this file until a \x03 character (Ctrl+C) is found in the stream.