Asynchronous UDP

import uasyncio_udp


A wrapper around the socket instance (from the usocket module) that makes it asynchronous via the uasyncio lib.


def __init__(self, af=usocket.AF_INET)
  • Instanciates a udp (SOCK_DGRAM) socket and makes it non-blocking

Socket instance

def socket(self)

Returns the under-the-hood socket object

Bind to a port

def bind(self, port)

Binds the socket to a specified port (and address The socket must not already be bound.


async def recv(self, n, wait=None)

Receive at most n bytes from the socket. Wait at most wait milliseconds (wait forever if None) Returns a bytes object with the received data or None (socket error or timeout)

Receive from

async def recvfrom(self, n, wait=None)

The same as above, but returns a tuple (bytes, address). Address is the address of the socket sending the data, i.e. a tuple of IP (as a string) and a port.

Send data

async def sendto(self, buf, addr, wait=None)

Send data to the socket.

  • buf - data to be sent
  • addr - destination address tuple - ip address string and port.
  • wait - wait at most wait milliseconds for the data to be sent (wait forever if None)

Returns the number of bytes transmitted


async def close(self)

Mark the socket closed and release all resources

Helper functions

Asynchronous UDP transmission

def udp_send(data, addr, wait=None)

Creates a AsyncUDP socket, invokes sendto function and closes the socket

  • data - (str or bytes/bytearray) data to be transmitted
  • addr - destination address tuple - ip address string and port.
  • wait - wait at most wait milliseconds for the data to be sent (wait forever if None)

Asynchronous UDP reception

def udp_recv(port, wait=0.1)

Creates an AsyncUDP socket, binds to the port and waits at most wait seconds for incoming data. Returns the received data or None

Asynchronous UDP send-receive

async def udp_send_recv(udata, port, dest, wait=0.1)

Creates an AsyncUDP socket, binds to the port, sends udata to the dest address and waits at most wait seconds for the reply.

  • udata - (str or bytes/bytearray) data to be transmitted
  • port - local port.
  • wait - wait at most wait seconds for the data to be sent (wait forever if None)